OBASHI – An Interesting Perspective for your Business

Primarily when we are looking at the improvement of services we speak about people, process and technologies. Before we can make improvements we always start with identifying what our current capability is in each area. While we may have go to ‘best practices’ I like to look to see what else is out there which might be able to get me just a little further ahead that sticking with only one framework. In doing this I came across OBASHI.

Initially, after hearing the name, I thought that this methodology was some sage wisdom that Mr. Miyagi might dispense, but it turns out that OBASHI actually spells out the letters for the layers in which this methodology maps out. The layers are laid out in sequence with the Ownership and Business process in the top 2 layers and the IT assets in the next 4 layers. Together they outline people, process and technology in a way that represents how the business can function.

Business Process

One of the biggest challenges in improving service delivery always comes down to the business complaining that the technology cannot meet expectations and that IT does not have a fundamental understanding of business needs in a way that significant improvements can be made.

The OBASHI framework is used to visually outline an organization’s IT assets and resources and the business operations which they support by identifying each individual element which represent assets and resources for the business and IT.

Once these have been identified another visual representation (Data Analysis View – DAV) outlining the data flow which shows how these elements interact in a “join the dots” way, as they term it.

For me the thing I like the most about this method is that it speaks to the gap which exists in the IT and the business relationship in many cases where a formalized function may not exist. Where there are more formalized teams, such as business relationship managers, they may see significant value in taking a look at this methodology in my opinion.

Overall I think that there are many frameworks at our disposal which we can utilize to improve the customer experience and we should take strides to investigation what might help take out business to the next level.

Please feel free to share with me what methods or tools you have used to improve service.


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